Our Current Code of Ethics and How It Evolved

The concept of a set of ethics reaches  as far back as Hippocrates, who established the Hippocratic Oath.

Other Codes of Ethics have been written and applied during all the years following, right up to relatively recent times.

These Codes of Ethics have been drawn up in response to events, which occurred at certain times and were seen to be unethical. The Code in each case was written to prevent the unethical practice ever recurring.

Each time a Code of Ethics was written, the important principle at the centre of it remained in use in Modern Day Medicine.

 Informed Consent is one such Code of Ethics and the key word here is “informed” because it is basically saying that even though the patient signed a consent form, if they did not fully understand what the implications were, then they did not give informed consent.

Another Code of Ethics, deals with the principle of Privacy and Confidentiality, which is practised worldwide now.

There are many other principles to be considered in the study of Medical Ethics, including Mental Capacity and Medical Malpractice. They are all vitally important and lie at the root of many of the cases, which face vehement public debate in modern times.

Our Short Ethics Course covers 4 subheadings, which we touch on here on the website.  In our short

course we offer one on one preparation, studying several examples of these and many questions.  This will help to illustrate the span and depth of thought, necessary to deal adequately with the large numbers of ethical issues arising for doctors and their patients. Certainly, the ethics part of the interview will be fully ready to go.